Sunday, August 30, 2015

Things I will miss 語学留学を終えて

I'm at a hotel in Marseille now and I'm seriously in a mix of emotions now. It has truly been a long 6 weeks and I'm exhausted. I can't wait to go back to Geneva and back to "normal" school life. But I know I will be missing so much of life in Montpellier at the same time.

I do have to give a special thanks to my host mother. She has been so patient and so understanding about my struggles of speaking French. I initially wanted to do this program not so much because I wanted to learn French but to be more confident in using the language I have enough grammar and vocabulary but to put those into thoughts and words has been a big issue for me. And she has done so much so I can overcome those fears. First of all, no English was allowed; I even refrained speaking with my classmates in English after class. I also forbid myself from reading in English other than occasional Facebook or reading the news. I knew it was a really strict regime but I knew that if I didn't do this to myself, my French would never improve.

The next step was a big one for and that is to step out of my box and talk to people. My host mother often told me to go to marchés, cafés, day trips.. anywhere that I had no choice but to talk to strangers and use my French. I'm a complete introvert so I was extremely uncomfortable doing this but I found that the more I do, the more I got used to it and more I am ease with it. The fact that I was alone and had no one to lean on to made it effective as well.

And most importantly she taught me the ways of being a French woman. French women are admired and loved by many but I never understood why. But my host mom is a perfect example. She's a staunch feminist and very strong in her will; but she is also caring and compassionate at the same time. She works hard but she plays hard as well. She always told me to stop studying and enjoy yourself a café or go to the movies. You can't just spend your life in books.  She also taught me the importance of food and nutrition. With only a few fresh ingredients, you can make 3 star restaurant dishes. I noted all her fantastic recipes in my notebook and looking forward to recreating them once I get back.

My head is in a mess so I am just blabbering on but all in all, I have learned so much - not just French but of how to maneuver myself and gain the confidence that I need.  I could not have asked for a more perfect summer and I am going to be "home sick"of Montpellier when I get back!


そんな中、ホストマザーには本当にお世話になりました。 私のフランス語に習いたい熱意に答えてくれ、毎日のように宿題の手伝いや本の朗読、会話の相手をしてくれました。何よりもフランス人女性の強さと誇り高さを教えてくれました。「りか、勉強ばかりしたいのはわかるけど、時には楽しまないと人生を無駄にしてしまうわよ。時々カフェとかショッピングとかして人生を満喫しないと!」と常にいてました。私が人見知りなのを知り、いつも週末は日帰り旅やイベントに行くように進めていました。最初は強引だなぁ、と思っていましたが、今思ってみればそういう知らない場所に行くことによってフランス語が磨かれたような気がします。


The lovely kitchen...where many master pieces were born!

Outdoor table where we always ate

My view when I did yoga at the terrace every morning

Modern art exhibition at an old church

My loft room

My study area where I spent countless hours


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