Saturday, August 15, 2015

Marseille Part 2

Day 2 of Marseille starts with a cup of joe (or as in French they call it un petit noir).
I set out to the fish market to the port... to bad I couldn't buy any fish to take back (my host father is a vegetarian).

I then set off to see the Island of If (Chateau d'If) where the Monte Cristo was based on... only to find out that the express boats to there were closed off that day. Reluctantly I headed off to the other island to Frioul (Ile de frioul) where it's a popular destination for local families to have picnics and enjoy swimming and fishing. I happened to sit next to a local big family on the boat in which the daughter was very interested in Japanese culture. We had a good exchange during the boat ride.

I then headed to the much lauded to MuCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilization) which was absolutely beautiful everything from the architecture to the exhibitions. They had a really interesting exhibition about the similarities and traditions of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity which has deep roots in the Mediterranean area as well. The museum is a definitely must go.

And a few more pictures to complete this whole trip. I had so much fun, I'll be back!

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