Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Home Cooked French Food 南フランス家庭料理

French cooking is of course a form of art with all the Michelins and the top chefs. But for me, I rather very much enjoy home cooked French food where the recipe are simple, fresh, and simply delicious. My host mother is the best cook ever and every night I'm filled with joy (and so is my tummy) after a delicious meal. Her cooking is not only French but a melange of different cultures infused in such as Spanish, Italian, Thai, and Greek. And ex-avid traveler, her inspiration for her recipes are truly creative and diverse. Because my host dad is vegetarian, the main dish is usually around vegetables; in which most of them are from her mother's garden, co-workers garden, or at the farmers market. The eggs come from her mother's chicken coop as well. So although the dishes itself are not hard to make, the simplify of the dishes brings out the flavor of the ingredients and it's incredible! I don't want her to think I'm a freak so I don't take pictures of dinner everyday but here are a few.

フランス料理といえばもちろん、高級・繊細・華やかというイメージが強いのですがあたしは断然ミシェランで食べるようなフランス料理のフルコースよりも田舎料理の方が断然好きです。ホストマザーの料理の腕は代々受け継がれてきたもので伝統的な南フランス料理なのですが、もともと旅行好きなホストマザーらしく旅先で刺激を受けた食材や調味料が混ざり、一品一品がユニーク!食材は彼女の実家の畑や同僚の庭でとれたオーガニック野菜がメイン。彼女の実家では鶏も飼っているので卵もお裾分けしてもらっているのでもちろん新鮮。加えて調理方法がシンプルなので食材の味が生かされていていて毎晩なんとも幸せな夕ご飯を過ごしています 笑。これだから2キロも太っちゃたんだよね~ 汗

Dinner is outdoors everyday :)


バラの手作りジャム。意外にもローズの独特な匂いなどはなく、花びらの歯ざわりがいい!Homemade Rose jam

Very typical Southern France prune pie!  プルーン(というよりはあんずっぽい?)パイ

Drying out the herbs from the garden



Does not look as appetizing but trust me, it's amazing. It's fish soup and you dip bread with aioli on top...!  魚介類のダシが凝縮されたルーにアイオリソースをトッピングしたバゲットを浸して食べます。見た目はいまいちだけど味はピカイチ!

Organic zuccini with spinach and fish, topped with fish sauce

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