Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Vacay Trip #3: Rome Day 3 Afternoon

Since the sun was still out when I finished going around the Ancient City, I decided to walk around a bit more and enjoy the sunset/dusk of the beautiful city of Rome. I also stopped by to see the infamout Mouth of Truth and then up the hill to the small unknown park but with a gorgeous view of the sunset. I finished a long hot day with a lemon gelato which I savored. I got lost on the subway and a semi-cute Italian boy helped me go on the right train which I am infinitely grateful for. At one point I almost forgot my phone was stolen not even 48 hours ago. I've truly been submerging myself in Rome. And hence I really enjoyed my time in Rome. Last day in Rome is right around the corner...!

Lots of couples were on a date in parks. Perfectly fitting for one of the most romantic and historic cities in the world

Mouth of Truth, it's actually really tiny I had a hard time finding it

Watching the sun set

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