Monday, September 7, 2015

Vacay Trip #3: Supermarket イタリアスーパー巡り

Living in Geneva, you really learn to appreciate supermarket overseas because they're cheap! Italian supermarkets were among the cheapest and freshest foods I've seen and has nourished me well every night, especially as I was exhausted every night from walking around

世界どこ行っても同様、地元のスーパーに行くのが趣味です♪ イタリアのスーパーはかなりお安く、種類豊富で毎晩観光を終わらして宿泊先に帰る途中で立ち寄るのが楽しみでした☆

The pasta section.. only that this was all that could fit in my camera. In reality, it's 3 times as big.. a whole entire row!

More pasta パスタのコーナーがすごすぎてビビりました。何種類あるんだ・・・

Yummy cheap Italian wine

What my dinner looked like: vegetables, instant rice, prosciutto, pickled pepper, and of course Italian beer :) Nothing fancy at the restaurants but I was too tired after walking around all day 毎日クタクタになって帰ってきたので夕飯はこんな感じ ;^^ ビールはマストでしょ♪


Another HUGE section of just olive oil オリーブオイルもすごい種類

Personal favorite Italian beer :) 地元イタリアンビール。結構いけます

Call me weird, but this random potato chips I picked up was extremely good. Should've gotten a pack as a souvenir! なぜいかハマったイタリアンポテトチップス。塩味が程よく効いている♪

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