Friday, September 18, 2015

Vacay Trip # 4: Paris (7) Japan carvings satisfied パリで「日本」満喫

As you may well know, I haven't been back to Japan since May 2013. Although Japan is not technically my home, it is a place dear close to me.  As Paris has one of the biggest Japanese concentration in continental Europe (both as immigrants and tourists), I just knew this was a close to Japan as I could get. First of all, I dashed to book-off, a well known mega-chain second hand bookstore where I infused myself with Japanese books. I forgot to take a picture but there's also a proper Japanese bookstore, Junkudo clsoe by as well.

今回のパリに来た目的は友達に会う事であるのは間違いないんだけどそれ以外はブランド品を買う訳でもなく、高級フランス料理を食べるわけでもなく、「日本」を堪能するため。2014年5月以降日本に行っていないため、もう餓鬼状態。夢にまで日本食や東京にいる夢を見る 汗。パリはヨーロッパ大陸にて一番日本人の比率も多いので日本のものが溢れている上、値段もお手ごろ!まずはオペラ座でブックオフとジュンク堂へ。


Next day: Japanese food. Yes there is of course Japanese food in Geneva but it horrendously expensive (seriously, 30 CHF~ for lunch?). I went to a Japanese restaurant tucked away right near the military school in the 7th district. It's run by Japanese people (quite rare globally) and their dishes are so authentically Japanese it wants to make you cry. I had the 5 course tasting menu for a whooping 20 Euros and it was worth every cent possible. If you are craving Japanese food, you cannot go wrong with this place, and this comes from someone who lived in Tokyo for 7 years eating the most gourmet food. On another note, there are also a wide variety of menus available for dinner (you can only choose from a few for lunch) which I've heard excellent reviews but should be more expensive. :
Amuse-bouche: A combination of California rolls, soy-sauce infused chicken, cucumber salad, and vinegar seaweed 

Hors-d'oeuvre: simmered daikon with thick sauce 2品目:ふろふき大根のあんかけ

Vegetable course: charcoaled eggplant with miso-sauce 3品目:茄子の味噌田楽

I forgot to take a picture but there was also a seaweed salad after this!4品目は撮り忘れましたが、わかめの酢の物でした

And finally the main tempura course. Not too oily, very crunch and perfect dipping sauce. YUM そしてメインの天ぷら定食。カリッと揚がっていて美味しかった~
Address: 20 Rue de l'Exposition 75007 Paris France
Phone: +33 1 45 51 90 81

そして何を血迷ったのか、ラーメンも食べたい!ということで最近できた千葉ラーメン「なりたけ」のパリ支店へ。開店5分前に行ったのですが、既に列が!どうやら観光客と地元人にも人気なよう。入店した瞬間これが「ラーメン屋だー!!!」と涙出でそうに(;_;)。こちらではスープベースを日本と同様「さっぱり」「普通」「ギトギト」と選べます。回りは「さっぱり」が多かったけど、ここは「普通」でしょ。チャーシュー麺をセレクトして待つこと数分・・・キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! ホント泣きそうでした。多分日本国外で食べたラーメンの中でダントツ1位!次回来るときはお腹空かして餃子も食べるどー!


As if that wasn't enough, I also HAD to satisfy my ramen craving, but time after time I have been disappointed with ramen overseas. Seriously people, why can't you get it right? I wasn't expecting too much from this place but I had some hope since it was a direct branch of a well-renowned ramen chain shop in Japan. I came to the store 5 minutes before opening and there was already a line: quite a rare sight in Paris for me (the French couple behind me was on their first date hehe). Nevertheless when I enetered the store, I knew this was going to be good. The setting, the ambiance was all what you'd expect in a ramen shop. You can choose various levels of oiliness: very oily, normal, and light. It just means that there's more pork fat which makes the ramen more richer in taste. I noticed many of the French were ordering light but I decided to go in for the normal. I mean come on, it makes the dish itself much more rich and thicker in taste. Plus if its too thick, you can ask for extra broth which is also really good. I also added chashu (roasted pork) toppings which I have been dreaming about for weeks! What came out was pure heaven. I enjoyed every noodle, every spoonful of it. There's no doubt I will come back here very hungry and will order the pot-stickers there. But beware as the lines can get long...come before it opens or at odd hours! 

Kotteri Ramen Naritake
Address: 31 Rue des Petits Champs 75001 Paris
Phone: +33 01 42 86 03 83
Hours: 11:30am-3:00pm, 6:30-10:00pm

And folks, I must say my Japanese cravings are satisfied....for now!

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