Friday, September 18, 2015

Vacay Trip # 4: Paris (4) Bonne Marche ボンマルシェの食品売り場

Of course, Bon Marche is one of the most well-known well loved department stores in Paris with a long tradition. But I never knew that there was a food section. It well resembles the depa-chika of department stores in Japan with its variety of food from all over the world, quality products, and luxury food items. My friend and I were instantly enthralled. One day I shall come to this supermarket when I live here but until then I will just look around and marvel at the beautiful products.

ボンマルシェはもちろんフランスを代表する老舗デパート。ここの食品売り場に行ってきました。日本のデパ地下同様、品揃えがすごい!思わずうっとりしてしまいました。お金持ちのマダムになったら絶対ココでお買い物します 笑
Caviar caviar caviar キャビアが詰まれてます☆

So many yogurts from all over the country and world 国内国外中のヨーグルトが並んでます

Beautiful fresh seafood

Global deli section. Yum Thai and Vietnamese アジア系お惣菜コーナー。おいしそ~

So many different kinds of salads
La Grande Épicerie de Paris
Address: 38 Rue de Sèvres, 75007 Paris, France
Phone:+33 1 44 39 81 00

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