Undoubtedly, the most expensive things I bought were books in French and Japanese. I must've spent close to $100. But to be fair, these are something impossible to buy in Switzerland and I have no regrets!
Ah yes, Japanese food. I still have a lot of leftovers from what my mother left me when she came to visit in May but these were wonderful and about half the price of what you could find in Geneva.
オペラ座近くにある日本食品店でもちょこちょこ買いました。この時はラーメンがものすごく食べたかったので棒ラーメンも 笑。これがおいしいのよね~ 他には海苔、インスタント味噌汁、玄米茶。なんとも地味な品揃え 笑
And of course, French food as well. I knew I can buy most things at the border crossing in Geneva so I didn't stock up on too much
Never forget the drugstores at Rue du Four where all cosmetics are in bulk and comes at a price about 30% cheaper than normal places, which means about half the price in Geneva. I stocked up on the winter essentials like moisturizers, and chapstick (the best moisturizers on my lips from Nuxe!). Also the standards like makeup removers, and sunblock....even dental floss! hehe
そして今回ももちろん行ってきましたよ~Rue Du Fourにある激安ドラッグストア。今回も激戦の末ゲットした戦利品!これらスイスでも全て手に入るのだけど半額 ;^^
Let's not forget Muji, the best stationary store in the world. I even convinced R and he likes them too now. I had to buy some notebooks because in Europe many of the notebooks are not in lines or college ruled but have so many lines (I don't know how to explain, you'll see it when you come here) and it makes it really hard to write. Plus Muji uses recycled material and in very minimalist styles which I love. Really happy to see that their brand is taking off in Europe.
What a pot? you ask. Yes, I haven't had a pot since I moved to my dorm in May and the ones in the kitchen are disgusting. Very good buy! Also some adhesive hooks for my bathroom :) I know this all sounds silly but seriously they're very costly in Switzerland!
And lastly some warm clothes I needed to survive the cold winter in Switzerland. Wish I had more time to shop!服飾類は時間がなかったのであまり買えなかったのですが、スイスの寒ーい冬に備えてペタンコブーツと厚めのマフラーをゲット
あ、一つだけブランド品買いました!ロンシャンのトーとバッグ。以前使っていたものがボロボロになっていよいよ壊れそうになってきたのでシャンゼリゼ本店にて購入♪ 店員さんも見て笑ってました。4年間ヘビーローテーションでたくさん使わせていただきました。お疲れ様~