The security process was intense and after receiving my badge, we headed to the Assembly Hall. I heard that the event was attended by over 1,000 people and the first ever TEDx event in the UN which is quite significant. There were 10 speakers in total in which topics ranged wide from a physicist at CERN talking about open hardware systems to a UN humanitarian aid worker speaking about his experience being a hostage. I wish I could speak more about each speaker since they were all (and I mean all 10 of them) were overly fantastic, deeply fascinating, and sharply insightful. But I'm afraid that I still know so little about the topics that I would speak wrongly about them. Hence I highly recommend to watch the videos of each of the talks once they're uploaded to the website. Even if the topic seems very remote or not to your interest, the input and dedication they put in their topics were so intriguing.
At the same time I was mesmerized at listening and taking all of this at the historic UN headquarters. It was a so surreal I had goosebumps. This is the very reason I decided to attend school here; to be inspired. And the opportunities I've had so far just in these mere 3-4months have been amazing. I don't regret ditching the US to come here at all.
My love for TED has soared to an all-time high. I highly recommend to attend one if you get the chance, they have events worldwide so you never know when they come to your city!
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