Sunday, December 28, 2014

Grad School: 1/4 done!

It's a bit surreal but the first semester just flew by. It seems like yesterday when I met all my classmates and advisors for the first time. Enough with the cliches but really, everything seemed like it was in a flash. Yet at the same time, many of the classes really had a good impact on me and I have no regrets that I chose this program and came to Geneva.

To clarify, my program is a unique one of a kind. It must also be the freakin' longest program name I've ever encountered in my life: Masters in Standardization, Social Regulation, and Sustainable Development. It's a very new program and it's not well known. However, the concept is valid and very applicable to all fields. In our world today, standardization is everywhere whether we notice it or not. Most often we don't even recognize it. For example, USB is a kind of a standard for data memory systems as is the SD memory card. Organic food labels must pass certain standards or quality to have the certified sticker on the food product. And other minor items but used daily such as A4 paper and metric systems are also all under a standard agreement across different countries, sectors, businesses etc.

Social regulation and development add additional elements this standardization process. For example, in my global health class we discussed about how standards of health procedures must be put in place in order to have safe and effective medical processes especially in developing countries where these standards are not implemented. In our Environmental Policy class we discussed on whether energy saving programs in different cities and countries should be a recommended standard or a law enforced regulation. It's interesting that all these dimensions com together. As we moved towards a more globalized society, these three topics are crucial in order for our society as a whole to advance for the betterment of humanity.

My classmates have also been inspirational and really given me the drive to challenge my thoughts and perceptions. We may only be 13 people but the  diversity and various backgrounds that we have have really enriched the academic work as well as social life. I think we've all formed a close bond and I hope that this will continue to grow.

As for my thesis and career trajectory, I am still not sure. Honestly it feels like I've been bombarded with many ideas that I am still trying to sort them out. But I have been definitely inspired by many topics talked in classes, events, and seminars. My aim for next semester is to slowly collect them all into one bowl and formulate my future aspirations and goals.

For now I am going to enjoy the rest of the holiday season and slowly get back into gear for exam mode!


よく周りから「何を勉強しているの?」と聞かれるのですがさすがに日本語での説明はややこしい ;-- 学部名は直訳すると「基準化・社会的規制・維持開発」なのでかなりちんちくりんに聞こえてしまうんですよね 汗。簡単に説明すると現代社会においてどの部門でどう基準化を推奨することによって社会的規制を極め、そして発展途上国において開発を進めることができるかという3本頭で研究を進めています。基準といってもピンと来ない人も多いとは思うのですが・・・基準って社会において本当に大事なんですよね。例えば 人の病気を治療するにあたってちゃんとした処置方法を定めないと命の別状に関わって大変なことになりますよね。また発展途上国で安全できれいな水を届けたいとプロジェクトを掲げる前にまず「安全できれいな水」とは何か、そして何を基準それを見極めるのかが大事ですよね。そういう大きな課題もあればA4サイズの紙、シャーペン芯0.5mm、摂氏華氏、私たちが日常で使っているようなものも実は基準法が適用されて統一されています。


まだ1学期目が終わったばかりなので卒業論文や今後の進路についてはまだ考えいないのですが・・・ でも来学期までには自分の進みたい分野を決めたいと思っています。

ともあれ、今はしばしのお休み・充電期間中☆ 1月中旬から試験が始まるのでそれに備えてゆっくり体を休ませたいと思ってます ^^

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