Saturday, December 27, 2014

Finland V: Supermarket

A trip would never be complete without making a trip to the local market. I love shopping in Finland for two reasons: 1) They use the Euro which makes things so much more easier for me (Having have to use Swiss Francs is complicating my life enough!) 2) while the prices are relatively high, it's still cheaper than Switzerland.

Supermarkets are probably something I most look forward too. Not only am I pig and can buy local foods for cheap, you can really see the local food culture. You also see a lot of local people going about their normal business; a good change from the touristy areas. I assure you you will always find some interesting things.

Finnish people are one of the biggest coffee drinkers in the world which is quite suprising but not so much when you consider the cold winters and long need 'em extra boosts to brighten the days!

Noticed Finnish people love soups and salads, here are a few this a dressing for bacon or bacon dressing? I so should've bought this

Surprised that Scandinavian food in general use a lot of spices. I guess this is why I must like them

Wow there's even moomin coffee

Spinach pancakes, one of my favorite!
Potato and pork meatball soup
Don't underestimate pre-made food here, it was quite good!

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