Saturday, July 18, 2015

Corporate Lunches (勝手に)社食ランキング

After many many weeks of going to various HQs and UN agencies... it's time to rank the various corporate lunches I've had. Just a note: most offices and organizations have their own cafeterias and serve quite nice food. It's expensive for a poor student (10-15 CHF, which is probably nothing if you're earning money) but does give me a good overview of where I want to be eating my lunches everyday in the future... ;)


UN Palais des Nations 国連本部:中華風豚肉の野菜炒めと炒飯

Red Cross HQ 赤十字本部:キッシュとサラダ

ILO 国際労働機関:ドイツ風ソーセージとサラダ

WMO 世界気象機関:ジャガイモのかき揚げ、ピラフ、サラダ

Palais des Nations - Salad 国連本部:サラダバイキング
Special "French dish"on Bastille Day at the UN 国連本部:この日はフランスのバスティーユデー。チキンのホワイトソース煮込み
So all in all.... my rankings are the following (totally according to my taste and bias of course!)
1. ICRC (Red Cross)
2. UN Palais des Nations
3. WMO
4. ILO

色々堪能したので私の独断と偏見で勝手にランキングさせてもらいました 笑

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