Saturday, July 18, 2015

Chilling out in the summer  太陽好きなヨーロッパ人

Random post but just couldn't resist.
European people LOVE summer. I mean, L-O-V-E. As a native Californian who gets sunshine (yes we do get sunshine even in San Francisco) all year round, I've never considered the sun to be a luxury. But in Europe, you need to take advantage of the sun as much as possible because you ain't gettin' any for the rest of the year. And they really know how to do it! My Asian side doesn't like to be in the sun too much (sun tan = death) but it's really great to be out by the lake or on the terrace just having a beer and enjoying time with friends.

いつも不思議に思うんだけど、ヨーロッパの人達ってどうしてこうも太陽好きなんだ 汗。


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