Saturday, July 18, 2015


Once again I wasn't able to update at all during the duration of the program!
After my summer school course was over, I participated in another program called the United Nations Graduate School Program in which graduate students from all over the world come together to learn more about the UN agencies and discuss on various coming topics. This year we focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals which are of course, the post-2015 goals from the Millennium Development goals and are in the midst of being discussed and approved by the UN member states in September.

It's been a grueling 10 days with listening to presentations and forums all day. Plus I had somehow become the leader in my working group - hence we had a report and presentation at the very end which was nothing more than pure intense work...but it all paid off in the end.


One of our (many) intense meetings in working groups グループでミーティング中

Study break at the open cinema! 長い長い一日の終わりはオープンシネマにてみんなでピクニック




It's show time!! (video interviews) プレゼン前日。グループワークの総まとめとしてインタビューされています 笑

Night time at the UN... yes I'm done with my work now プレゼン前夜は10時までかかってまとめてました。あー疲れた 汗

My tired eyes..最後に研修修了証書をいただきました

UNCTAD presentors... we're done! ドイツ人とあたしがグループリーダーだったのでプレゼン担当。無事終わりました

Oh LAMA, how I'll miss you! 

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