Thursday, September 4, 2014

Trip to the Supermarket

One of the most fun things about moving or traveling to another country (at least for me) is to look through supermarkets and drugstores. Yesterday I had a little time before an appointment so I hopped into to snap a few pictures of a typical supermarket. FYI - this is the Coop City supermarket in Plainpalis.


Standard frozen and ready-made food section

Hailing as the country of  source of Evian water, there's a lot of different kinds of water. Still and sparkling btw

Mayonnaise, lard, mustard, and many other condiments are in tubes in Europe. I never knew until my German ex-coworker brought some over when I was in Cambodia. ヨーロッパでは調味料はチューブに入っているのが普通。最初は微妙と思ったけど使ってみるとスプーンとか瓶を開ける手間とかかからなくて樂!


A section full of chocolate, yes welcome to Switzerland. さすがチョコの国・・一体全部チョコレートです。

All vegetables must be scaled and priced before going to the cashier. As I'm still a callow shopper in this country,  I've yet to use it! 野菜は全て事前に自分で計って自分で値段をつけてからレジに持っていくシステム。なんだか複雑そうな機械でまだ使ってません!

4 eggs for $3.50. Yes, eggs are a luxury ::wistful thoughts of the days I used to make omelets with 3 eggs ::

On the other hand, wines are pretty reasonably priced

1 comment:

  1. yay for cheap wine! hope it complements all your studying
