Since eating out or even the simplest processed food is exorbitantly expensive (do note: a Subway sandwich is $15 for a one foot, no drink no chips. A double Mac is about $9..quite disquieting huh? ) eating-in and cooking is the way to go. Thankfully, this works out for me since I don't like fast food or eating out in the first place.
Today's dinner is: tomato and mushroom risotto, salad, and Greek yogurt.
Might I add that as of yesterday, I succeeded in making homemade yogurt with the yogurt bacteria my mom tucked away in my suitcase. You just add milk to the bacteria and let the batter sit around for a few hours and voila, it makes great thick greek-like yogurt. Yum!
外食はバカ高いスイス。なので 毎日もっぱら自炊の日々。幸い外食とかファーストフードはあまり好きでないので自分には好都合です。本日の夕食はトマトときのこのリゾット(前回からの反省でやはりリゾット米はリゾットがおいしい!←当たり前か 笑)、サラダ、ヨーグルト。母からカスピ海ヨーグルトの種をおすそ分けしてもらったのでヨーグルトも手作りです♪ 自炊万歳
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