Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Perfect Getaway (March 6-9) Part II

After a nice quick tour of Phnom Penh, we finally ended up with the family.. which turned out to be multiple families! They are family friends of Carena’s friend, Thaney. The families are all from the same village that live about 30 min outside of Phnom Penh. They rented a car to head out to Sihanoukville so off we went! 

Full car!

Starting the party a little early..
Stopping on the road for a quick offering

Stopping by for lunch

Oh you know, the normal things you see outside your window :)

It’s about a 3 hour ride to Sihanouville so after rounds of beer, we arrived in the sunny beach town.  While it’s not spectacular as the southern Thai beach resorts I like it because it’s quaint and less tourist crazy. We grabbed a table and enjoyed ourselves with more beer and fresh seafood on skewers.

Since the villagers spoke limited English, I tried to converse in my minimal Cambodian but I soon found out this as a harder mission than I thought. As I predicted the Phnom Penh accent and Siem Reap accents are very different. As I’m used to the latter, it makes the smallest phrases hard for me to understand. On top of it, they have different expressions and slangs mixed in, which makes it even more difficult. I felt quite stupid asking to repeat the same sentence over and over but I’m at least now familiar with the accent! 


Deep fried shrimp $0.25 each :)

Yay for the beach!

Playing with floating objects

Siblings :)

Mr. Naat's smile is the best

Chow down


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