Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Cooking by Pictures: Som'loh Machu Kroeung

These are the step-by-step pics of the dishes I made at the cooking class.
Though I have the recipe given to me by Le Tigre de Papier, I am not posting it since I don't want to violate their copyrights. Sign up for their classes to learn the exact recipe, you won't regret it!  Mean while, enjoy the food pics ;) Somloh machu is literally "sour soup". Many soups in Southeast Asia are sour due to the Tamarind sauce that is added. Plus a number of spices and herbs are also added, giving the soup more complexity.

前回の 料理教室で作ったソムローマチューです☆ お教室からレシピは頂いたのですが著作権に関わるので実際のレシピは控えさせていただき ます。なので写真でお楽しみください~ソムローマチューカンボジアの代表的なスープです。タマリンドという東南アジア独特のフルーツのエキスを足すことによってスープに酸味と風味が加わっておいしいんです♪ 更にこのスープにはカンボジア風のカレーペースト、クルングが加わります。これがまたご飯が進むんですよ~

Putting together the herbs

Mashing everything to make the kroeung

Tra-gkoon (morning clory), chee konkgaem, chicken, and the freshly made kroeung paste

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