Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The 22,000km Trip (24) Tokyo: Nostalgia and Reunion

I made it..... Tokyo! Oh yes, let the nostalgia gush in. Tokyo is a special city; not just because it's the capital of the country where my ancestors are from but because where I spent 6 years of my hay day of my 20s. It's actually unbelievably that I lived here considering what I have done and went through the last 3 years. But yes, I had a nice apartment just a little bit away from Shibuya and a nice glitzy job in investment bank, in which I shopped till I dropped, partied like there was no tomorrow, and ate like a queen. I experienced hardships, heartbreaks, sadness, despair, happiness, serenity, and bliss. Indeed I went through a lot during those years and grew a lot;  terms of maturity, work experience, responsibility, patience, perseverance and most of all my tolerance in alcohol. The last one I am not kidding working in the finance sector in Japan of all places! In any case, coming back to Tokyo brings me back a plethora of memories and it was all pouring in as I placed afoot back to this city.

 First thing is first, get a haricut then meeting up with old friends. These friends have been my allies, my confidants and battle in combat. We've gone through together a lot. We all didn't expect to get as close as we have since we were in college together but I think we're all truly lucky to have bonded together these past 10 years (yikes!). It seems to have become a tradition that we meet in the usualJapanese pubs in Shibuya where the alochol is cheap (very important) and tapas aplenty while we blabber, chatter, tattle, blather all we want on everything and I mean everything! So much love and so much to be thankful for.

My favorite... Hoppy!
Facetime with Toshtitos in London

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