Friday, October 9, 2015

Zermatt ツェルマットへの旅

Just some quick facts about Zermatt. There's about 20,000 people living in this small mountainous village, nevertheless 200,000 tourists and skiers come every year. Hence it's quite a touristy town, however, it's a car-free zone aka no cars or any gas emission related transportation are not allowed. I heard that the moment you are caught coming into the territory with a car, you are immediately fined so its very strictly enforced. Those with cars must park them in a nearby town and take the train here. However, there are gas-free taxis roaming around with those with heavy mountain or ski gear :)

日本人観光客にも人気のツェルマットについにやって来ました。マッターホルンが見渡せる数少ない場所でもあり、ツェルマットの人口は2万人ほどの小さい街 なのですが、年間20万人以上の観光客やスキー客が訪れるそうな。また車禁止ゾーンでもあり、排気ガスを排出する乗り物は入村禁止となっています(もし見 つかったら4万円の罰金が課せられます)。そんなわけで村内はスキーや登山客の荷物を載せる電気自動車が走っています♪

The village, like most traditional Swiss ones, is very beautiful. Most importantly, its one of the few cities that you can oversee the Matterhorn from the center of the city. Seeing this upon our arrival, our excitement mounted in hopes to see the mountain a bit closer. There are many routes to go up to the mountains including hiking; but the most popular way is by the many mountain trains. We decided to take the Gornergrat train which I heard had an excellent observatory and there were multiple mini hike courses.

村内は本当に伝統的なスイス建築で今にでもハイジが出てきそうな感じ。ここからマッターホルンまで行くにはもちろんハイキングでも可能だけど、登山電車に乗って近くまで行くのが一般的。いろいろ悩んだ末、展望台があって、しかも「逆さマッターホルン」 が見える湖が近場にあるということでゴルナーグラ路線で行くことに

As I've written in my previous posts, I will reiterate that Swiss trains are expensive. A roundtrip one day pass from Zermatt to the end of the line to the observatory is 80 CHF. Luckily I had the half card so it was 40 CHF (another reason to get the card!).

I've heard that Japanese tourists flocked around Zermatt but oddly up to this point we haven't seen any. And then we saw where they all were. They were already all waiting at the platform of the Gornergrat train. Loads of them, all complete with their tour guide and tour pass badges. I was flabbergasted; this was the first time I've ever seen this many Japanese people in Switzerland but the rumors were indeed true! I don't mean to compare with other tourists but they were so polite; they didn't push and they even asked if they could stand next to me on the train so they could take pictures. Oh Japanese people, you made me happy.

このブログを前から読んでいる方には既にお分かりでしょうがスイスの電車は高い!ツェルマットから展望台まであがる一日券で9000円(80CHF)近くかかります。私の場合スイスの半額カードがあったので助かりました 汗。

 さて、ツェルマットは日本人観光客が多いと聞いたもののここまで見た日本人観光客は数人。そして・・・発見しました日本人の大群が!↓ ツアーグループ発見!



After a 40 min aesthetic view, we arrived at the observatory. I think I will let the pictures speak for itself.


登山電車が通ります。すっかり電車女 笑

After we took our time looking around the observatory and taking pictures, we decided to embark on a mini hiking trip to see the "upside down" Matterhorn or the lakes which show the reflection of the mountain. It's quite rare to see the reflection as if there's too many clouds or wind, the surface of the water will be murky. We were terrified that the weather would be a bit cloudy as the summer season is officially over. But luckily the sun was shining with just a few clouds; which makes the likelihood of seeing this phenomenon extremely high. We hurried off as we heard that the clouds crowd over the mountain in the afternoons even on a sunny day. And we made it!

さてここから歩いて 「逆さマッターホルン」が見える湖に向かいます。展望台で長く時間を取りすぎてしまったのでこの時は既に11時半。午後になってしまうと雲が出て湖に山が写らなくなってしまうので先を急ぎます。そして・・・・・・・!



There are actually 2 lakes so we headed over to the other one as well. The view was even much more stunning. At this lake we encountered an old man who was resting by one of the rocks, overlooking the stunning view. We were first conversing in English but when he learned that I was from Geneva, he quickly switched over to French and we had a fantastic conversation discussing about the beauties of Switzerland and the similarities and differences between Japanese and the Swiss. "To see the Matterhorn as a Swiss, is pure happiness" he said. An it certainly was.


We ended our fantastic time at Zermatt with none other than fondue (3 different kinds!) and wine.
マッターホルンを思う存分に満喫した後はもちろんフォンデュタイム!。ヴァレー地方のフォンデュは普段慣れているジュネーブのより濃厚です。 ゆかりさん、みさきちゃんお疲れ様でした♡



This was very symbolic for me; not only had I wanted to come here since I first arrived in Switzerland but it's officially been a year since I lived here. Hence it had great meaning that I visited the symbol of the country upon the one year anniversary of my arrival. A lot has happened and I learned a lot since my arrival and what I can say is that I am deeply grateful for this country to accept me and let me study here. I have at least one more year awaiting for me in this country and hopefully there's more to learn and discover here.

スイスに住んでいるとなかなか国内でも旅行する機会は少ないので以前からずっと来たかったマッターホルンをやっと見ることができて大感激の旅となりました。スイスに来てちょうど一年。色々とありましたが、たくさんの事を学ばせていただきました。学生生活残り一年、スイス滞在後少なくとももう一年、また大いに満喫させていただきます m(_ _)m

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