Saturday, March 14, 2015

Paris (Jan/Feb 2015) X - Day 6 Picard

Nothing is as quite as brilliant as Picard's in France. It's a "freezer store" meaning that everything, and I mean EVERYTHING in the store is frozen. It's a bit of a weird sight when you first enter the store because it's just rows and rows of frozen cases. The prices are slightly higher than the frozen food you will find in normal supermarkets but the quality and variety of the food are impeccable. You can find everything from steak to appetizers you'd take to a potluck. The desserts are to die for and there's a huge selection of soups and entrees of all kinds. I'm happy to say that Picard launched its first experimental store in Japan last month!

最近日本でもオープンして話題になったフランスに本店がある「ピカード」。店内全部が冷凍食品!店内に入ると冷凍ケースが並んでいるだけのシンプルな内装なので最初はかなりビビります 笑。普通のスーパーでも冷凍食品は売っているけどここのは若干値段が高い分質は高い。奥様方の持ち寄りお茶会に持っていく一品から前菜・メイン・スープなど種類が豊富。もちろん加工食品だけでなくそのままのお肉や海鮮類も常備。特にお勧めはデザート。オーブンに入れるだけで作りたてのスイーツが食べれます♪ 日本でも行く機会があれば是非♪

We tried the tartetatin and it was delicious!!!! 

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