Friday, November 27, 2015

Cohort Love

When I first found out that my entire master's program was under 20 people, I was a bit scared. I'm used to big things. My high school class had close to 500 people. My college.... easily in the thousands. Many of the programs I applied to for grad school ranged from about 50-200 but under 20 was a lot less than I had ever experienced. When I showed up on the first day of orientation, I found out I was just one of 13!  I worried if we'd all get along with being such a small cohort. What if we were all so different we'd never agree on anything ?

 And yes, we don't. We seldomly all agree. But we always find consensus.

Though we all come from different backgrounds, nationalities, and expertise we've all grew close to one another in one way. As of now in our third academic semester, we have dwindled down to 10. But I feel that our bonds have just strengthened. Moreover, it really shows how efficient and effective we've become since we've worked so close with one another.

You really feel this when you interact with other graduate students from other masters. I've been taking class at the nearby Graduate Institute this semester; and though their establishment is high quality I find that the quality of the overall work done is nothing close to where we are (sorry!). The interaction, quality of work, and coordination that we've developed over the past year has been nothing but amazing.

In our last academic semester, we have less chances to see each other as we are all taking various electives. Nevertheless it's these rare moments we get together for a meal that I really feel the sense of belonging and real appreciation for the small size class we have. To a great cohort and good food (Persian!)

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