Thursday, October 9, 2014

Japan Festival

Coincidentally, this year happens to be the 150 year anniversary since Switzerland and Japan established diplomatic relationships and special events have been going on all year long. It so also so happened to be that there was a Japan festival in my neighborhood so I decided to take go take a look. Besides the exorbitant prices (seriously... $17 for a bowl of curry?) it was a good ambiance of Japanese expats, Swiss/Japanese young families, anime fans, and local Swiss enjoying their weekend.


たまたま近所で「日本祭り」が行われていたのでちょっくら友達と行って来ました♪ 焼き鳥、カレーライス、うどん、コロッケ、から揚げ、などなどオーソドックスな文化祭的(笑)屋台が並びます。 ただし。。。やはりスイスだけあって高い。焼き餃子3個で約500円、カレーライス1500円・・・ありえない。ただし、日本のパン屋さんは欲に負けてあんぱん、かぼちゃパン、メロンパンを購入。1つ330円と今までで一番高級な菓子パン 笑。冷凍庫に入れて大切に保管しています 笑。



The yakitori (chickens on skewers) were not bad!

On the other hand the ikayaki (squid on skewers

So expensive but couldn't resist Japanese bread...!

The event ended with dancing the Tanko-bushi (traditional Japanese summer dancing) which opened a flood of memories.

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