Monday, February 10, 2014

Rewind: Flood Relief Drive Oct 29, 2014

As I mentioned many times in my posts, rainy season (April ~ Oct) rain is striking. It's a bit unbelievable to think in hindsight now that it's dry season and there is absolutely zero rain (the seasons are very distinctive, dry or wet). You can say the rain is the ultimate determinant of a day's course of events. The amount of rain can completely (and literally) wash away plans. Heavy rain can cause streets to flood and not being able to get to places. It can also cause you hours of sweeping and cleaning up after it. It also causes damages to villages where building infrastructure is not strong and there are limited resources around. 

Our staff went to one of those communes to distribute water, food, and supplies to villagers whose houses were damaged/destroyed. There was a lot of physical labor involved but in all it was good team building day and at the same time were able to assist local communities. 

"Private bus" Cambodian style

My sewing school girls came out to help too

Assessing together all the food

Monks working hard

Each family gets rice, instant noodles, fish sauce, garlic, water, salt

beautiful baby

Each family also received 10,000R

Groupie photo

The monk truck!

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