Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Beatific Moments

Looking for something to eat in Cambodia is truly an adventure.  A food stand is almost in every corner of the city but since they all drift around depending on the hour and/or thier profitability, you never know what to expect or find.  And nothing excites me more than discovering a new food stand.

Today was one of those auspicious days.  It was my coworker who spotted it first. We were all on our way home walking towards Old Market. We stopped to walked over to see what she was selling as she had a huge pot with different kinds of rice. 

It was the first time the three of us saw this stand and whether or not we knew what this was, we couldn't contain ourselves any longer. We were ready to embark on our new food stand experience.

The lady scooped up the different kinds of rice on to a thinner version of a pita bread/crepe and seasoned it with sugar, coconut, and crushed peanuts.

And the result was just heavenly. 

The the coconut and sugar harmonized the flavors and texture of the different rice. Thr aroma of the peanuts sprinkled over the freshly steamed rice added a perfect touch. 2,000 riel (50 cents) well spent.

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