So this time, that's exactly what I did. Even better R was there at the same time so we rented a cute Paris apartment to spend a few days together.
What's crazy is that Paris is only a 45 minute plane ride from Geneva. Even a bit more odd is that Geneva airport is actually situated right on the border between France and Switzerland. So being a flight to France, my boarding gate was in the French zone of the airport. Hence, on paper it was an international EasyJet flight but geographically it was a domestic flight. Weird huh? I guess that's why my one way ticket only cost my about $60!
I must also add that my trip started out great by almost missing the plane by going to the wrong gate (thought my seat number was the gate number..I knew drinking at the lounge was a bad idea!) and Paris was in a huge traffic chaos because of the strikes. But the important thing is I got there in one piece and met up with R, finally!
As usual we never really plan out our trip so after dropping our things off at the apartment, we had coffee at a traditional cafe while discussing our itinerary for the next few days (sounds Frenchie already right? ;) )
After R lectured me on not going to any museums during my previous stay, we then of course headed to the Orsay. The museum was huge but very beautiful and I must say it's one of my favorites. I can just stay there the whole day. Too bad I wasn't allowed to take any pictures but I'm sure all of you will go there when you're in Paris as well since it's a must-see. I had initially thought going to a museum together after meeting up for the first time in 10months is a bit weird but turns out it was a perfect place to catch up on stories while commenting and discussing about art. Ha, fit in quite well with our nerdy nature.
Strangely my AP European History class I learned came back to me as I was walking through the galleries and quite helpful to understand the historical contexts. So, if you're planning to do some historical sight seeing or art viewing, I highly recommend you familiarize (or refresh your memory) of European history. Trust me, it'll come in handy and you'll sound a bit smart as well.
Before we got and grabbed groceries for dinner, we took a quick stroll around some of the key places in Paris. It was cold in Paris but not as must as in Geneva which was quite a relief for me and it was indeed a perfect night for a walk.
約8年ぶりのパリ。前回は24時間しかいられなかったので(パリ→スイス→ミラノの4日間の強行旅だったので 笑)今回は美術館巡りをしたいな~と思ってた所Rもパリにいたのでネットで見つけたアパートに数日間滞在してきました。もっぱらついた初日からオルセー美術館へ。写真禁止なのが残念だったけど、多分今回行った数々の美術館で一番好きかも。もう美術の教科書に掲載されてた絵画の本物が目の前にあること自体がかなり感動。たとえ美術に興味がなくてもかなりテンション↑↑ Rとは10ヶ月ぶりの再会。どうなるかな~、しかも会ってすぐ美術館もどうかなと少し不安ながらも絵についていろいろ話が弾んだのでとりあえず一安心。
それにしてもパリはジュネーブと違ってやはり国際都市。夜8時過ぎてもまだまだ街が活気にあふれてる。東京に慣れているのであたしとして正直ぱりの方が肌に合うのかも ;^^ せっかくなので二人で夜のパリ名所巡り。昼とは違って夜のライトアップされたパリの風景もすごく絵になります。
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