Sunday, November 30, 2014

IKEA Lunch

I'm sure you're sick of me telling you this but Switzerland is expensive. Very expensive. 
Buying a cheap sandwich for take out costs you over $10 and a tall Starbucks latte costs you about $8. Go figure about eating out at a restaurant. 

Hence, everyone is always on the lookout for cheap good places to eat around here. Yes, you may scoff at me for mentioning IKEA as a good place to eat but really, when general prices are so high around here you really appreciate the affordable descent food. I suppose the food court at IKEA in the USA isn't the most ideal place when you have a huge wide variety of cheap(er) foods to eat in the area. But for other countries it's quite nice: In Japan I had a few IKEA lunches with my friends in which we specifically go to IKEA to eat and then we'd do a bit of window shopping afterwards.  This is the brilliant business scheme of this company in which a space is provided for people to eat which then can lure people into do some shopping afterwards.


In any case I stuffed myself with a huge lunch and the bill was around $15.. even with the beer included which is merely impossible anywhere else in the city. In my school cafeteria, it costs the same with just the meatballs and fries and it's half the size. Happy soul happy stomach. IKEA is awesome. 

東京にいた頃も時々やっていたイケアランチ 笑。大衆食堂だけど安いしおいしいし、お茶もできるので友達と長時間わいわいお話しするにはもってこいの場所です☆ 物価の高いスイスでは外食をすると最低でも3000円以上はするので学生には痛いのだけどイケアではトレーいっぱいに食べ物を載せても2000円ほど。学食が1200円ぐらいなのでホントにお得。食い意地が張ってるのでたくさん食べちゃいました。さてさてこの後は買い物をしてカロリー消費です!

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