Sunday, August 31, 2014

Quick Teaser

A quick teaser of what my neighborhood looks like.. more to come!
Some sort of festival going on in my neighborhood

farmers market

Very European like hehe

Hopping over to Europe

I was so busy with work and packing that before I knew it, it seems like BOOM I’m on a flight bound for Switzerland and BOOM, I’m here! 

Things have been quite smooth so far. The flights were smooth (there's no direct flights to Geneva for United. I had a layover in Newark), maybe partially because I rode on first class from NY to Geneva (more on that later). Thanks dad!  

 I was a bit apprehensive about my apartment, even though I’ve wire transferred my rent and my landlord sent me the completed lease contract. Because the real estate market is so cut throat, I had to see with my very own eyes that the room was actually mine. Contrary to my worries, my landlord warmly greeted me and even helped me carry the luggage up. As for the room, it’s absolutely lovely. There’s more work that needs to be done but the size, design, and view, I cannot be happier. Even though my shared apartment is the same price as my studio in Tokyo, I must say I did get a nice deal considering that it’s twice the size, utilities are paid for, and it’s furnished. 


My window overlooks a park so it's beautiful and I get plenty of sunlight

My roommate are both French and we talk in broken English and French which works out great for both of us. They’re both nice girls and we all have different schedules so we all have our own thing going which works out well

I’ve unpacked and well settled in my room but I still have a long to-do list to get things in order living in Switzerland so more updates to come.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Off the Grid Picnic

When I was still living in San Francisco 12 years ago, food truck culture didn't exist. I've heard about it from friends back home so I was always interested. When my friend Benny asked me what I wanted to do on my last weekend, I suggested a picnic somewhere I can overlook the beautiful views of San Francisco. What better place than in the Presidio where one of the City's biggest food truck event is held every week? The weather was perfect and really the best way to spend my 30th: good food, close friends, great view. 

What a beautiful day

Gourmet food stands

Fancy salsa and chips
Bloody Mary with Okra!

Champagne on the grass, classy

Creme brulee yum!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Big 30

I never deeply thought about the impact of turning 30 until I saw an episode of Friends when Rachel turns 30. She looked pretty devastated in that episode and somehow it made an impact on me that I should feel that way too when I reach that milestone.

I always hated my birthdays. People never remember them because it's in the  end of summer when everyone is busy getting ready for school or coming back from vacation. In my mind, I always wanted to have that magical birthday with lots of people singing me happy birthday, candle filled cake, and drinks galore. Well, that was what I thought circa 25.

After that I finally gave up on that thought and things were much better. Still it didn’t stop me from fearing about my big 3-0. I always imagined where I will be, what I will be doing, and most important of all, where my life would be headed on that crucial day.

As it turns out, on August 24, 2014 I was working in JP Morgan in SF and bound for grad school in Europe. I spent the night before pre-celebrating with my family at a restaurant and opening bottles of wine and cheese afterwards. Slightly hung over (but still happy) the next day, I had a picnic in the Presidio under a blue clear sky overlooking the ocean with some of my closest and best friends I’ve known for half my life.  It was peaceful, modest, warm, and just how I wanted it to be.

So does it really feel old turning 30? Not so much as I thought. Am I sad that I’m no longer in my 20s? Honestly, 20s was a time of trouble. It’s a period which follows your teenage years which can still be awkward and unsure, at least for me. I was broke, lacked self-confidence, and lost most of the time. I made a lot of mistakes, I had to adapt to a foreign country I never lived in, and I endured tough times being a newbie in the work force doing the economic downturn. I experienced the Financial Crisis. I survived the Tohoku Earthquake. I went through the biggest heartbreak of my life. I cringe thinking about all the things I went through. Standing at the entrance of my 30s, I am much more financially stable (or at least I now have the experience and skills that make me competitive in the job market), emotionally stable, confident about myself, and most of all I know what I want in life.  So to all who are dreading this big day, fear not.

Monday, August 25, 2014



冒頭から主人公である高校生のアデルが自分の性について悩むところから始まるのでてっきり、[少女が同性愛に目覚める官能映画]だと思ってしまってました 汗。というのも濡れ場があまりにも衝撃的でポルノ映画を観てるのかと思ってしまったぐらいでRがなぜこの映画を一押ししてたのか最初は少し不安でした 笑

ちなみに上映時間がかなり長い(3時間ジャスト)ので携帯に移して通勤時間の合間に観ようと思ってたんだけど、最初の20分で既に過激なシーンオンパレードで通勤ラッシュ中にそれを真顔で観るのはかなり恥ずかしい!(観たけどね 笑)





ちなみに映画のフランス語直訳は『アデルの物語、第1,2章』というなんとも平凡なタイトル 笑。でも考えてみるとしっくりします。第3,4章の続編が観たいわけではないけど、このタイトルからアデルの物語はまだ始まったばかり、ということが伺える・・のかな? なんともフランスっぽいネーミング。

思春期から20代って感受性豊かだし、いろいろ未来について悩むし、若気の至りで失敗もたくさんするし、反省もたくさんするし、いわゆる人間としての成長期。なので人生の中で一番大変な時期なんじゃないかなあ。私事ながら数日前30歳になったのですが、改めて20代が終わって良かった~と思いました。20歳の頃よりも30歳になった今の方がなんとなく人生にしっくりくるような感じがする(←人生まだまだひよっこですが 笑)


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pre Celebration

Everyone, thank you for all the birthday wishes, it's not even my birthday officially yet but I've gotten so many texts and messages and my family took me out :) I feel the love 

Round 2

The Saskis

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Quick Update

I apologize for the big gap in posts! I don’t mean to make this post a list of excuses but seriously my days in San Francisco have flown by because it’s been a series of event one after the other. Right after I returned from my mini trip to Japan in May, I engulfed myself in job searching. After a few short term stints I finally landed myself in a full time temp position. Things were cruising when I decided to make the stunning move to kick Georgetown and attend University of Geneva in Switzerland for my masters. Work then surmounted to about 50hrs a week so I’ve been toiling away whilst preparing my residency visa, looking for housing, organizing my boxes for the move, and getting my life in order before I start my new life in Europe. I really haven’t had a chance to breathe to be honest. Every time I had some free time, I should’ve updated this blog but instead I just wanted to take a minute to take a quick pause from everything that has passing through my life.

It’s been one year since I quit my job at Credit Suisse. It’s also a year since I left Tokyo, the city I love so dearly and my second home. My days were filled with anxiety in the early stages but I was also filled with excitement and hope. Nevertheless, one year ago I would’ve never imagined where I am now.  Today I can proudly say I am so glad I made this decision. I feel great and I could not have been happier. Moreover, the things I have experienced in just one year has completely changed my life for the better. And while I can’t say I am richer or wiser, I can definitely say my eyes are now opened in a completely new way. It sounds a bit exaggerated but I feel a bit enlightened. Not so surprising when I’ve been working with monks for 5-6months eh?

I would just like to take a moment to thank everyone who’s supported me, namely my family and friends who have cheered me on even in the scariest moments. Also to R who has been my greatest support in all the decisions I have made and made me laugh every day in the most quirky humor possible, even on my darkest days.

I have about a bit over a week until I take off and I’m fully ready to embark on my next step. In the next coming weeks I would slowly like to upload what I have been up to since my days back from Cambodia. Please stay patient and I won’t let you down I promise!