Friday, September 27, 2013



It’s been about a week since I’ve arrived in Siem Reap, Cambodia and I will be living here for 3-6 months. I have no idea which lies ahead of me; which is very scary yet exciting at the same time. I thank you for taking your timing and taking a glimpse of my ineffable journey I am about take on! 

I have contemplated whether or not to start a blog and have it in writing; afterall who wants to hear a bunch of byzantine ramblings of someone that's going through a major life changing crisis?  And frankly the past few months everything had been so unclear and fast-moving so it was quite difficult to put it into words.

But now that I am here and have somewhat of more clear vision of what I am doing here, I can slowly unravel some of my thoughts that I’ve had on my mind in the form of a blog. Also by posting them, I can lessen the worries of my parents who were flabbergasted by the announcement of their daughter quitting her exclusive finance career and moving to a developing country. Regular postings will at least let them (and also of course all my friends) know that I am alive and well. And hopefully I can convey my certainty about the life choices I have made in the past few months.  If anyone is considering changing their career or thinking of moving to Cambodia, I do hope that this will be somewhat helpful.   

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