But they do have some fun in their lives too and in some ways they are just like us. For example, they can still joke around, go on Facebook, and talk on their smartphones. Nevertheless, I've always wondered how they keep their sanity and still be happy and smiling all the time despite living under such a devoted and, in some ways, a controlled life.
And finally, I found out the ultimate remedy: Redbull and coke. Together.
It's great. It keeps them awake from a long day of chanting and studying. Plus it gets them all giddy and happy all throughout the afternoon. It's their version of an afternoon Starbucks latte or an afterwork beer. Some telltale effects of this drinkinclude jittery motions, giddiness, stuttering, and lots of giggling. Us volunteers jokingly call it the "monktail". I've tried it myself and oh boy, was I trembling giddy with the surge of sugar in my blood! If they keep on doing this, I swear they will get diabetes..but that will be for another conversation.
All jokes aside, monks in Cambodia are the most happiest, affable, amiable, and kindest people in the world. I've been here for over a month but I don't know how many times their smile has made my day.
カンボジアの国民の95%が仏教を信仰しているそうな。ただ日本と違って上座仏教なので出家したお坊さんは厳しい戒律を幾つも守って生活しているのが特徴。例えば食事は一日二回(正午過ぎたら固形物は全て禁止)、朝は5時に起床して読経、女性の妄想はもちろん触れることさえ禁止。でも妙に人間っぽいし、冗談も言うし、携帯で話したりSNSで交流することは許されている感じ。それでもやっぱり仏に身を尽くしつつ、戒律を守りながら暮らすのはかなり大変なはず。でもそんな素振り微塵たりともみせないのがカンボジアのお坊さん。それよかいつも笑ってるし、おっとり穏やかなお茶目なお坊さん達なのです 笑。一体どうやったらそうなれるのか。。。
これがかなり強烈。一回飲んでみたけど、糖分の多さだけでも心臓発作を起こしそうなのに、レッドブルのカフェインが体の隅々まで行き渡ってものすごーく目が冴える 汗。が、朝4,5時から起きてずっと仕事したり学校に行ったりしている勤勉なお坊さんたちにはもってこいのドリンクなよう。うーん。。。ただ健康面ではかなり危険なのでおすすめはできませんっっ!
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