Sunday, March 27, 2016

Quick Update

For those that are not connected with me on Facebook, I have been traveling for the past 3 weeks which is why I haven't been updating. I'm stuck in an airport in Japan now but I'm well on my way to going back home to SF so I promise to post the amazing sights I've seen along my trip. This has been a challenging trip; it hasn't been relaxing as I hoped to be. More details to come but it was just... a compilation of unfortunate events. But at the same time it made the trip more memorable and made me enjoy more of the wonderful experiences and great people I've met so can't wait to share them soon.

On a side note, I am amazed that quite a few of the people around me mentioned that they actually read this blog in the past few months. Initially I started this when I moved to Cambodia so my mom is able to see how I'm doing since she doesn't have FB. She passed the link along to a few of my relatives so this blog was mostly for my family, including my little cousins; so the topics and themes revolved around their interests which are shopping, food, and my daily life. But since I've gotten more requests on posting more things about travel and my thoughts I will try to post more of them. Stay tuned :)

I also wanted to share a few of the gorgeous cherry blossoms I've seen around Tokyo; unfortunately the weather has been cold so it's not full bloom yet but nonetheless I was lucky to see a glimpse of it.