Thursday, May 21, 2015



Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Parents in Town 両親来瑞!

Yes my father works for an airline company hence he gets discounted air tickets... nevertheless he's never been to any place other than Japan. He's rarely traveled outside the state and we usually did road trips! So I was quite surprised when my parents said they were coming to see my in Switzerland. Of course I was happy but I was very worried as well.. would they be able to adjust..??

But all was well when they arrived. They actually seem to like it since the weather was mild and there were many features that made it similar to San Francisco (trams, international, etc). They were also really relieved to know that most Swiss people spoke English. Since I had school during the day, they were able to wander around on their own and ask around when they were lost which was a great relief to me as well.

I didn't plan much out for them since I knew they get tired easily and didn't want to exhaust them but we did quite a lot including exploring Old Town and taking them to the border France for grocery shopping. It's always a good  to have guests since it's an opportunity for me to do sightseeing as well


元気な両親だけど歳が歳なのであまり無理しない程度の観光をしたけど結構気に入っていたようで良かった。←娘ながらに心配 笑。おまけにいつものフランスでのお買い物にも同行していただきました。毎日歩き回ってお疲れ様でした。それにしても誰かお客さんが来ると普段行かない観光地にも行けるのであたしもちゃっかり楽しませてもらいました♪


Marché at Carouge カルージュ地区の週末マルシェ

First time of outdoor drinkingルマン湖沿いの野外レストランにて


Opera House

Old Town 旧市街地区

View from St. Pierre 聖ピエール寺院からの見晴らしはジュネーブピカイチ。お天気のいい日は5フラン払って長い階段を上る甲斐ありですよ~

Park Bastillon

Swiss ice cream, Mövenpick :) スイスといえばやはりモーベンビークアイスでしょ♪


Since I'm not able to accommodate them in my dorm, I got a Airbnb apartment for me which was fantastic because my mom had cooked for me. She had brought a whole range of foods knowing that my father can't eat much Western food. Felt the motherly love for sure.

肝心の宿泊先だけど、もちろん寮では泊めさせられないのでAirbnbというサイトを利用して現在不在中の方のアパートを数日間貸していただくことに。いわゆる1LDKで全て揃っているので台所も使えて便利です。洋食が苦手な父のために母がせっせと・・カレー作り 笑!スイスでは母の手作りカレーが食べれるとは貴重。しかもスイスの野菜おいしいからカレーうんま!炊飯器は寮から持参しました 笑。ちなみにお米はイタリア圏のリゾット米がスーパーで売っているのでそれを炊くと見事に日本米になるんですよ~

他はスイスビールやスイスワインなど堪能して父は上機嫌 笑。

Cooking time.. I brought my rice cooker from my dorm 炊飯器はあたしの部屋から持参

Japanese curry..such a delicacy


Beers galore for my dad and I もちろんこれ全部飲み干しましたよ!
hehe blooper.. jet lag time! おまけ:あたしの部屋に着いた途端爆睡状態。完全に時差ぼけですね ;^^

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Relief: I moved!  お引越し

I am happy to announce that I've finally moved to my new room which is in the official student dormitory in Geneva (Cité Universitaire de Genève). It's fantastic with a private bathroom, large closet and noise-cancelling walls.

Don't get me wrong; I loved my previous apartment. However, as it was a super old building I could hear everything; especially because my room faced the bathroom of my neighbors and I could hear everything from peeing to throwing up...yuck! Plus the other side of my room was connected to their living room and I can basically hear everything whenever they had friends over or had the music loudly. I asked them to turn it down once but they started accusing me for knocking on the walls too much. Um, excuse me have you ever considered why? I couldn't bear it anymore, it was time to move!


そう探すこと一ヶ月。フェースブックでジュネーブの大学寮で空室情報をゲット。掲載されて5分後にメールしたところ既に2人待ち!運よく あたしが一番早く入居ができるという条件尽きで契約ゲットできました~!学生寮といっても新しい寮なのでトイレバス付き「台所は共同)。壁はもちろん防音効果あり。これで内装も全部そろっていてまあまあな感じ。そしてなんといっても家賃は学生寮なので以前の半分!やっと落ち着いた学生生活が送れそうでひと段落☆ それにしても引越し業者を雇うのは高いのでスーツケースで何往復もしてやっと完了。あー疲れた 汗

Place is a mess! Packing up

I admit I miss this room... it was cozy, luminous and close to school

Of course being in Geneva, that doesn't come easy. Geneva has an occupancy rate of 98%, which means that there are only 2% of rooms vacant in Geneva at any time. This explains why the rents are so high! The tip I can offer to anyone who is looking for a room is basically being a lurking stalker on all the Facebook housing groups and to reply instantly. I was extremely lucky in that I responded to a post 5 min after. Even then there were already 2 inquiries so you can see how crazy things get! Luckily the other 2 didn't work out and I was able to move in quickly so the move was swift. The noise issue had been extremely stressful for me so this is one thing off my chest!


Common room/kitchen, I have 5 other roommates!
